My major motivation and satisfaction is to help people in their publication, research and academicians journey.
Prof. (Dr.) Anuj Kumar
Head of Research and DBA Program
PhD, MBA, M.Sc (Int. Business), B.Tech
Rushford Business School, Switzerland
Research Fellow: INTI International University, Malaysia
EU Global Institute of Innovation and Technology, Malta
Alumni: All India Management Association
Alumni: University College Dublin, Ireland
Alumni: Aligarh Muslim University, Central University
Editor and Reviewer
As a renowned researcher and academician, what drives your passion for research in marketing, international business, and general management?
The passion behind research is to take my writing and concepts to people around the world, a teacher can only be known through his writing, like a film start know by his films, so it is the same passion which drives a cricketer to make runs, film starts to make movies and in my case it is about papers
Your publication record is impressive, with over 80 publications in reputed SCOPUS/Web of Science/SCI/ABDC/UGC Care Journals. Can you share your strategy for achieving this milestone?
Initially I just focused on writing; people now-a-days write only with the purpose of publishing in indexed journal, but when i started, my interest was more in writing and publication only so that people can read my work. Slowly-slowly i moved towards indexed journals, collaboration with more than 100 researchers and active participation in conference were vital part of my strategy
How do you balance your research, teaching, and administrative responsibilities as Head of Research and Associate Professor at Rushford Business School?
It adds lot of pressure to perform on every front and people expect top output from me either as researcher or administrator but my multitasking abilities and being unmarried helped me a lot to fulfill all the expectation
Your international experience, including associations with University College Dublin and INTI International University, Malaysia, is notable. How do you think international collaborations can enhance research and academic growth?
I was a Masters Student at UCD Dublin (2013-14) and research fellow at INT University. Both the associations helped me in becoming prolific writer and researcher. Initially, I learnt research writing basics from the professors at UCD. Prof. Joe Houghton from UCD is still connected with me and i look for active mentoring from Prof. Joe time to time.
Your involvement in various conferences, FDPs, and guest lecture series is impressive. Can you share any notable experiences or takeaways from these events?
Actually conferences has big role in developing me as academician or researchers, conferences provide the medium and channels to meet experts of different domain and take learning from them. I have attended more than 40 conferences before i started organizing at that level. Those conferences, FDPs and guest lectures will keep you updated and align you with current knowledge
You have been granted three internationally patents by South Africa and one patent by the Indian Government. Can you elaborate on the significance of these patents and their potential applications?
The patenting is extreme form of research; i have realized the process of patenting is bit easier in South Africa in comparison to India. Now i have two patents from Indian government as well. The process of design patent in India is less complex and involves less specification. Those patent applications helped me to learn more about my areas of research- SMEs, technology adoption etc.
As a researcher with over 1345 citations on Google Scholar, what advice would you give to early-career researchers looking to establish themselves in their fields?
I have good citations in Google scholar and actually citations is a reflection how much your wok has been appreciated, the articles published in open access journals have got more citations because that content is easily available to people around the world. Early stage researchers should focus more on writing good and innovative content, citations will come automatically
As the India Country Head for International Management Review (UGC-CARE-II), what are your goals for promoting research and academic excellence in India?
I have published nearly four special issue of IMR in last 3 years, previously very less Indian content was available in this journal but now Indian academicians are getting opportunity to publish in this journal, i am also connecting the journal with conferences so that better marketing happens
You have received several academic awards and recognitions. How do these accolades motivate you to continue pushing the boundaries of research and academic excellence?
Initially i was excited about these awards and accolades, but my major motivation and satisfaction is to help people in their publication, research and academicians journey. Awards and accolades will keep coming if you will keep working and helping people
What are your thoughts on the current state of research in marketing, international business, and general management, and where do you see these fields evolving in the future?
Currently we are still in introduction to growth phase, it is good to see Indian academicians are publishing but what percentage of total academicians are publishing. The language editing and other software are major challenge stopping the growth of the researchers. Institutions need to provide ample time and resources to the researchers.
As a dynamic and proactive individual, what advice would you give to students and young researchers looking to make a meaningful impact in their chosen fields?
Don’t work in silos and try to set target for yourself on weekly basis, without small things the big achievements never happen, you have to be excited about yourself and keep helping others in the best capacity. Believe in your karma.