Rohini Kaul
Founder and CEO
The Narratives
The Kashmiri Kitchen by Sudha Kaul
New Delhi
Two things one must possess to reach high magnification and prosperity in life?
Patience and Humility.
Two things that inspired you to start your venture The Narratives?
Supporting the comms community and doing purposeful storytelling for brands.
Two top most priorities as a founder of The Narratives?
Building a self-sustaining comms community and meaningful/impactful storytelling.
How would you like to define The Narratives in two influential words?
Clarity and Consistency.
Two achievements you always feel proud of as an associate director of India Communications?
Having a seat at the table and engaging the audience through communication.
Two challenges you faced to establish your exclusive venture “ The Kashmiri Kitchen?”
Initially we didn’t know how to create our menu, quantities and how to cater to large gatherings.
Two of your own favourite dishes from “ The Kashmiri Kitchen?”
Rogan Josh and Haak.
Two things you want to convey for young Indians to keep fit for their mental wellness?
Make fitness a habit not a goal and one step at a time.
Two things you always focus on your motivational speech as a communication expert?
Audience Demographics and Content.
Two things about people that vex you?
Hypocrisy and Arrogance.
Two decisions of your life you never regret?
Leaving my corporate career and having my absolutely wonderful son.
Two things that motivate you in difficult times?
My belief and my values.
Two values of life your parents have given you?
Nothing is impossible and giving 100% to everything you do.
Two of your favourite tourist places in India?
Kashmir and GOA.
Two things you do for your happiness?
Let go and see good in every situation.
Two things you do for your fitness?
Running and eating right.
Two goals you want to achieve in the year 2025?
Build the business for The Narratives and The Kashmiri Kitchen through collaborations
Meaningful projects.
What are two of your favourite Quotes?
You are your brand, so brand your self beautifully.
Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.