Health Impact
Siddhi Somani Johri
Mrs. India International 2019
Mrs. Galaxy Queen India 2019
National Brand Ambassador for
Women Empowerment
National Health Education Ambassador of India
State Vice President of National Youth
Council of India (Rajasthan)
Founder Member of Bonanza Health Care
Brand Ambassador of Indo Nepal Green Mission
We can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up our thoughts. Every human being is a magnet, the attractive power of which may be developed in any desired direction. Each one can so direct this power that he can draw to himself whatever he wills. Before your life can be really effective you must make yourself a magnet for the things that will make it so. Attraction, it’s the idea that everything, including your thoughts, is made up of energy and that like energy attracts like energy.
That means if you are constantly thinking negative thoughts about your life, you’re going to continue to receive negative things in your life. You must learn how to attract, how to draw to yourself all that will help you to succeed in your work, that will enable you to attain your ambitions. When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation, and people want to be near you.
We are living in the midst of a stream of inexhaustible supply. It is one’s own fault if he does not take from this stream whatever he needs. What we get in life we get by the law of attraction. Like attracts like. The mind has a powerful way of attracting things that are in harmony with it, good and bad. Whatever you may have managed to get together in this world you have attracted by your mentality. When you concentrate your energy purposely on the future possibility that you aspire to realize, your energy is passed on to it and makes it attracted to you with a force stronger than the one you directed towards it. You may say that you have earned these things, that you have bought them with your salary, the fruit of your endeavor. True, but your thought preceded your endeavor. Your mental plan went before your achievement. The mere changing of your mental attitude will very soon begin to change conditions. Your decision to face toward prosperity hereafter, to cultivate it, to make yourself a prosperity magnet will tend to draw to you the things that will satisfy your ambition.
The pictures you make in your mind’s eye, the thoughts you harbor are day by day building your outward conditions. They are real forces working ceaselessly in the unseen, and the more you think and visualize favorable conditions the more you increase your power to realize them. You make yourself a magnet for the thing you desire. This is a psychological law. A mental healer could not cure a cancer by holding in his mind a picture of the hideous disease, with all its horrible appearances and symptoms. He must eliminate all this from his mind. He must see his patient whole, clean, healthy, just as God intended him to be, free from all disease.
We hear of some people that “they are always lucky”; “everything seems to come their way.” Things come their way because there are invisible thought forces radiating from their minds toward the goal they have set for themselves. Things fall in line and come our way just in proportion to the force and velocity of the thought forces we project.
Any one who makes the accumulation of a fortune his chief goal, and who has grit, determination, will power and sufficient faith in himself to stick to his purpose will get there. Hold the victorious attitude toward life and you will overcome all unfavorable conditions. Attraction, it’s the idea that everything, including your thoughts, is made up of energy and that like energy attracts like energy. Attraction, it’s the idea that everything, including your thoughts, is made up of energy and that like energy attracts like energy. Envision the future you desire – Create the life of your dreams.
See it, feel it, believe it.