Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Always keep your passions and hobbies high because being fit inside out comes only from them.
Smriti Bhatia
Founder Smriti’s ChocoHouse & SIABAZ
(Award Winning Designer Chocolatier)
Chocolate Trainer
International Author
TEDx Speaker
COO & Director MG SocialCare Foundation
MSME Wonder Woman
Show Host / Actress
“If you want to know your own worth, fall back on your network and enrich it! Your network flourishes and you flourish. To be always inspired, believe in the power of networking, technology and see wonderful opportunities, innovations flowing around you.”
– Chocolatier Smriti Bhatia
How many of us think that an entrepreneur are born with it? How many of us sweat over the thought of being one? If we have to imagine the life of an entrepreneur, what would it be? Is entrepreneurship only about earning? Does an entrepreneur need to possess some skillset to be one?
Firstly, entrepreneurs can be anyone who is from a business background by family or by education. Secondly, they can also be someone who has no knowledge of it but has the zeal to pull it through with whatever it takes. When you start on your own, be prepared to play all the roles from a clerk, peon, marketing, sales, quality, content writer, networker and any role that your organization would require you to. It is only down the lane where you can start delegating to your teams but with supervision always being there. The most interesting part of being an entrepreneur is that you learn all skills practically as you move along the graph. Self-motivation, never quit attitude, being self-driven, taking all the risks, being a decision maker, managing time, people and crisis!
Many a times you will be tempted that since things are in my control let me take a day off or take it easy. But remember always that this one thought is responsible for not just your own daily needs but many whom you employ. Keep yourself upgraded, be on your toes, never compromise quality and ethics and just enjoy this journey in all highs and lows. When you are the leader, you are the one who is always being watched and what you “Be”, “Do” and “Tell” is how people will look up to you. Make yourself visible via all ways of networking, showing up wherever you can and contribute to the society. The more people follow you, the more your brand is visible. YOU AND YOUR BRAND ARE ONE and that is what you represent. Leave your presence wherever you go. If people compete and copy your work, smile and pat your back, for you have achieved something great in life to be copied. Never fear because your energies are only yours, no one can take it away from you.
As a Brand Leader, there is a responsibility that you carry by giving back to society, by providing employment and making others rise. Whatever heights you achieve, take more people along with you by connecting them to the right network and resource. Never forget your mentors and who help you in your journey. If we walk alone, we fall alone with no one along to hold us back. BE HANDSOME “Give your hand to someone” and Law of Karma will bring back to you a good deed in the form of a blessing for you. A team in the organization is your direct support and a team in the form of network / vendors is your indirect team. There is a very famous saying “Do you want to be like the coffee, egg or carrot”? Be like the coffee which blends well in everything, which is ready to spread the fragrance around.
People often ask me 2 questions:
What are the personality traits of a good leader?
To drive your team in the right direction, lead by example, motivate others how much the pressure be, innovate and keep the team together. Strong and correct communication, being accountable, having the vision to adapt quickly to changes and pre-empting any crisis. Also knowing what to do at crisis. Managing relations, maintaining balance of work and fun and being ethical.
What is the best and the worst part of being a CEO?
Best – You are your own boss and that gives you the flexibility and capability to take many decisions on your own, and manage time as per need.
Worst – Being always self-motivated.
What if you are an introvert? What if your communication skills are not strong? Never mind guys, step out and break the ice, once or tenth time you will succeed definitely. It is not easy to get out of your comfort zone and at the same time it is not impossible. Success is not measured by only the goals achieved or revenue earned. It is also measured by how many lives you touch, how many you inspire, how many you grow and how many times you fail learn and walk again. Be like nature that is always there absorbing the good and letting go the negatives. Know your: Target Audience, Target Wealth, Target Geographical Area and create your smart content accordingly. Plan your campaigns and reach in a way where you solve a problem for your customers. Businesses often rise when you don’t create them for your own self, rather you create them keeping your clients in mind.
Have an idea, evaluate it for the customer want, for its cost effectiveness, what is its USP, check if it will be your passion forever, ready the sales strategy, align resources and funds and just GET SET GO !
I often encapsulate this subject into AEIOU and many of my readers/ students would be aware of this topic. A – Attract, E – Engage, I – Innovate, O – Organize and U – Understand.
In this mad race of life, never forget the Happiness Mantra “Past is Gone By, Future is unknown and Present is literally true to its meaning “Gift”, let us all strive to make the present a gift by living in the current moments for ourselves and others”. And the key to happiness is “Gratitude filled life”. Value relationships both professional and personal, make your clients feel special and give time to your near dear ones. An entrepreneur is someone who is looked up to from all perspectives not just the success story. Always keep your passions and hobbies high because being fit inside out comes only from them. Take your time off to be recharged and refreshed.