Author, entrepreneur,
social activist
State President – WICCI
Two things one must possess to achieve success in the creative field?
Great visualisation skills.
High determination.
Two things that impact your achievements?
Your attitude.
Two things which inspired you to become an author?
Love for stories.
A drive to bring a change in the society and lives of people.
Two challenges you faced to achieve the target of being autor of nine books?
Criticism from relatives as writing is not a high paying job.
Publishing huddles.
Two most challenging years of your professional career?
Every year is a challenge for writers. But still, 2017 and 2018 when a rival writer tried to harm my books.
Two of your own favorite books?
Accidentally Cupid will be my all time favourite.
Twilight Saga.
Two suggestions for upcoming authors working hard to be published?
Read as much as you can.
Never stop writing.
Two of your achievements you feel proud as an entrepreneur?
Setting up of Huddle Books and helping 5 poor authors get published for free.
Wining people hearts through my publishing company.
Two must have qualities of a successful speaker/ influencer?”
Right mindset.
Two of your motivational sessions highly appreciated by the audience?
In India today media Institute in the year 2019.
In Mahar Regiment School Sagar in 2023.
Two top most priorities as a state president of WICCI Delhi state?
Helping and inspiring through arts and leadership.
Generating Awareness.
Two decisions of your life you never regret?
Taking up writing as a profession.
Setting up my publishing company.
Two strengths of your life as a working woman?
Two things you always focus for your social activities specially for womens?
Spreading across correct message regarding women rights.
Education is highly important.
Two things about people that annoy you?
Bad language.
Two things you want to say for your critics?
I’m never giving up.
You make me improve and be better.
Two people to whom you wish to show gratitude for what you have today?
My brother as he’s the one who brought my 1st book and helped me to become a writer.
My dadaji for his blessings that always saves me from every bad thing.
Two most satisfying moments of your life?
Publishing my first book.
Saving a college student from suicide.
Two of the inspiring quotes you like the most?
“When you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, NEVER GIVE UP! Because it is the time and place that the course will divert!” By Rumi.
Less expectation from others leads to a peaceful life and more expectation from yourself leads to a successful life.
Two things you practice for fitness?
Healthy eating.
No toxicity of any kind.
Two success mantras of life?
I can still do better.
Never give up and expect more from yourselves than others.