Our health is our wealth. We need to invest time and energy in it first before it’s too late.
An exclusive interview of lifestyle Nutritionist Karnika Gupta by Gurbeer Singh Chawla
Karnika Gupta
Lifestyle Nutritionist
We would like to know about your initial journey in the field of Lifestyle and Nutrition to being the founder of “ Fat to Fit.
Its hilarious how I never thought I will become a fitness professional. More than my own will it was the people around me who believed that I will be a good fitness influencer one day. Simply because I was always into healthy lifestyle and I used to live a life that used to help people take up fitness. Fat to Fit happened when I for myself certified and thought of taking up fitness as my main profession.
Can you share the inspiration behind starting “Fat to Fit,” and how has the initiative evolved over the seven years since its inception?
Fat to Fit happened for the people who believed that I needed to give meaning to my love for fitness. If I had to look like a professional I had to start with something that looked like a serious initiative of helping regular people like me get fit. Since the last seven years I have made such a solid tribe of clients based worldwide that now I feel that my little baby is not so little anymore.
As a lifestyle nutritionist, how do you customize nutrition plans for your diverse clientele, which includes models, aspiring actors, regular individuals, and even those dealing with health conditions like PCOD, thyroid, and diabetes, how much it is challenging for you?
I feel experience and knowledge plays an important role in how you deal with different clientele. I keep my diet plans very simple and doable. Not only it has cured many people from hormonal issues but it has also helped people in understanding how they can maintain a lifestyle even while travelling and enjoy life as well.
Mumbai is known for its vibrant lifestyle. How do you assist your clients, especially women, in seamlessly integrating fitness into their day-to-day routines?
Mumbai is a city where People naturally are inclined towards fitness. It’s all about connecting with the clients specially women and helping them see their potential. Once I tap that I am able to show them how crucial it is to follow a lifestyle that is healthy and will do good to their self esteem and confidence.
You have been a trendsetter for women embracing fitness. What challenges do you often observe among women when starting their fitness journeys, and how do you address them?
I get women telling me that they want to have a physique like me. But they aren’t willing to change anything about their lifestyle. My biggest challenge is to convince them to set goals that are reachable and focus mainly on a lifestyle rather than aesthetics. Once they get the taste of how it is to feel healthy rest of the things fall into place on its own.
Handling global clientele, particularly in the US, London, and Australia, how do you manage to provide personalized nutrition guidance while considering cultural and lifestyle differences?
I feel blessed to have a clientele based outside India because I get to interact with such different kind of people. I study a lot about the weather and the food that is common in various countries and cities. I understand their cultures and as per that I try and form their program. It is always an experience handling an international client.
You have helped individuals with lifestyle correction, including corporate professionals. How do you navigate the unique challenges faced by busy professionals in maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
Corporate professionals has less time following a program and they are always looking for hacks that are doable. I have many professionals who I advice to go for my maintainance program that will help them with getting into a discipline of eating healthy. Many have seen huge changes in the way they feel about their routine and body by being on basic changes. It’s all about the connect and helping them understand the importance of incorporating fitness in their routine.
Can you share success stories or transformations that have been particularly rewarding for you in your journey as a lifestyle nutritionist?
I personally feel each client when they complete their program with Fat to Fit leaves me with such love and blessings. I am lucky because every client has only left me with other references that keeps me on my toes. Each client and their transformation is a reward for me.
With the increasing awareness of health and wellness, what role do you believe nutrition plays in overall well-being, and how has this perspective influenced your approach to your clients?
NUTRITION IS EVERYTHING. You cannot put garbage in your body and expect to look like a solid personality. You are what you eat. When I correct my clients with their lifestyle eating and when they see the changes in their bodies they realise what they have been doing all this time. It is tough in the beginning to convince them but results talk !
How do you stay updated on the latest nutritional trends and research to ensure that your advice remains current and effective for your clients?
Honestly I have never followed any trends nor I believe they have helped anybody in a longer run. The fact that my clients achieve results is because I follow the traditional approach and promote Ghar ka regular khaana. When they get rotis, rice, bread and poha rather than keto and only liquid diet , they have no complaints.
As you take steps to be known in the industry, what is your vision for the future of “Fat to Fit,” and what impact do you hope to make in promoting good health and fitness on a larger scale?
I have helped probably 0.1 percent of the society. I wish to help atleast 50 percent through Fat to Fit. Because it promotes good health and accepting your bodies for the amazing potential they have, I want every person I meet to know that they have the potential to reach their best version. I have faith Fat to Fit will make waves in future.
What are your suggestions to those who are habitual of fast food and ready to eat food due to lack of time in metro lifestyle?
Honestly there are foods that take up 10 min to prepare. It’s all about the mindset and the priority. We have all the time to invest in social media but we won’t take out 10-15 min in preparing meals for ourselves. Our health is our wealth. We need to invest time and energy in it first before it’s too late.
Pl share the proudest moment of your professional journey?
I walk with a lot of pride because I have managed to achieve a physique I always to have. I still have a long way to go. My husband told me that I help so many people get fit and it was about time that I gave myself the same care I have towards my clients. My job feels worthy when I am able to inspire women to take up fitness.
What are your expectations and compliments from your life partner Updesh Saluja?
Updesh is the reason I am where I am today. He helped me accept myself and then see the potential I had but I couldn’t see. Updesh is known for his knowledge and aesthetics and I hope his work is recognised on an even bigger platform. He is my inspiration and I want him to keep up with his brilliance.
Which is your favourite quote?
“ it’s hard to beat a person that keeps showing up everyday. It shifts from winning to outlasting. A very different game. “
– Alex Hormozi