Sipmly Two
Dr. Mahek Dave
Two things one must possess to reach high magnification and prosperity in life ?
} Consistency
} Confidence
Two things that inspired you to choose medical field for your professional career ?
} My Father’s life was saved by a Surgeon, Dr Siddharth Gangadharan,that day I decided to be a Surgeon.
} Medicine is a field which apart from skill and knowledge also requires empathy and selflessness. These two things attracted me the most towards this field.
Two things you like as a Surgeon ?
The operating theatre. It just gives me immense pleasure to be even able to witness a surgery.
} The amount of trust people have on Surgeons to let them open up their body.
Two messages for aspiring Surgeon’s ?
} It will take time, but you will reach there.
} There our lives in your hands and there is nothing more important than that.
Two major challenges you faced to achieve your MS degree ?
} As Surgery is still considered to be a male dominating field, I had to face a lot of negative remarks even from my professors, concerning my field of choice being a woman.
} I have done my Post graduation from South India, at times there was a lot of discrimination and favouritism towards people from the southern part of India, which I think really needs to change.
Two things which makes Dance your passion ?
} The ability to completely express myself.
} The stage. I love performing on the stage.
Two of your Favourite Dancers ?
} My Guru, Shri G. Ratheesh Babu
} Myself
Two compliments for your father, Dr Sandeep Dave ?
} I have never seen a more hardworking person. He has immense humility and also dedication towards his work and everything he does.
} As a father, he has never stopped me from dreaming, he respects my opinions and never stops me from being myself.
Two priorities for your social work as a Doctor ?
} I want to be able to provide economical and accessible medical care to those in need and especially at remote places.
} I want to work in the field of cancer and as Cancer treatment is quite expensive, I want to lessen the burden as much as possible.
Two decisions of your life you never regret ?
} My decision to become a Surgeon.
} My decision to practice in India and not settling abroad. There is a lot of work that still needs to be done in medical field in India and young doctors need to understand that.
Two things about people that vex you ?
} Dishonesty
Two things that motivate you in difficult times ?
} My Brother, Dr Shameek Dave.
} My Friends, I have a really nice support system.
Two values of life your parents have given you ?
} Service before self.
} To Respect everyone around me.
Two of your favourite tourism places in India ?
} Gurudwara Sri Bangla Sahib, Delhi. This is one place which gives me utmost peace. I think everyone should visit there atleast once.
} Rann of Kutch, Gujarat
Two things you do for your happiness ?
} I listen to a lot of music. I always have my headphones on.
} I Dance.
Two things you do for your fitness ?
} I workout almost 45 minutes every day.
} I am very particular about what I eat.
Two goals you want to achieve in life ?
} I want to be a good surgeon. I want to work really hard for people to trust me enough with their lives.
} I want to be kind and empathetic to everyone around me at each given point. I will consider myself successful then.
Two of your favourite quotes ?
} Be Humble, be hungry and be the hardest worker in the room. – Dwayne Johnson
} If you can’t say something nice, dont say nothing at all. -Thumper in Bambi.