Dr. Anil k. Gupta
Eye Surgeon
Lifestyle & holistic medicine consultant
Director – Shri Ganesh Vinayak Eye Hospital
Founder Direcor – Positive health zone
Author B3 – Body Beyond Body
Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
SIMPLY TWO by Gurbeer Singh Chawla
Two things one must possess to reach high growth and success in life?
Two things that impact your achievements?
Team work.
Two reasons you wanted to be an eye surgeon?
The eye is the door to body and window into the soul . – Not only do diagnose eye disease, but we can save lives through diagnosis of many systemic diseases through eye like pituitary tumors, CNS diseases , hypertension, diabetes, and cancer etc.
The number one cause of blindness in the world is cataract. A simple 10-15 minute procedure that you learn in residency can literally “cure blindness” .Few things are more satisfying than this.
Two major challenges you faced to establish Shri Ganesh Vinayak Eye Hospital?
How to provide quality eye care with affordable prices.
How to bring highly trained eye surgeons from top institutes of India to Raipur.
Two major responsibilities as a director of Shri Ganesh Vinayak Eye Hospital?
My area of concerned are Cataract surgery & community ophthalmology department.
Administration, management & future planning.
Two doctors who inspired you most?
Dr. Sengamedu Srinivasa Badrinath , the founder and chairman Emeritus of Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai.
Dr. Belle Monappa Hegde is a cardiologist, professor of medicine, author & Vice Chancellor of Manipal Academy of Higher Education.
Two decision of life you never regret?
My decision to choose Ophthalmology as carrier.My decision to marry my beloved Dr. Shubhra.
Two biggest achievements of your medical profession?
CSOS AWARD for Highest number of cataract surgery done by single surgeon in one year.
Unique business practice award for integrated holistic healthcare approach.
Two things you like as an author?
As Bhagwat Geeta says wrong thinking is the root cause of all problems in life and right knowledge is the only solution. So I always like to share right, accurate useful knowledge with written contents or videos on social media platforms.
I like teaching & book reading and I myself want to be a life long learner.
Two things that inspired you to write your book “B3 Body Beyond Body?”
People are unaware of root causes of diseases and not working on preventing aspects.
Numbers of diseases are uncountable but health is one. Apart from disease care approach if we start focusing on health care approach in personal life then one day you need not to take disease care approach.
Two things important for mental health in present lifestyle scenario?
Worry is the misuse of imagination. Learn to use your imagination to create beautiful things in your life.
Meditation as body is benefited by movement and mind by stillness. But now a days body is still, (sedentary lifestyle) mind is over active.
Two best awards of your professional carrier?
Chhattisgarh Gaurav award.
Excellence healthcare award.
Two things you want to say to upcoming eye surgeons?
Passion, commitment and consistency is the key to success.
Along with highly advanced technology based professional eye care services we all should add charity eye care services in our professional setup. As affordable eye care services are need of the day to coverup back log of cataract preventable blindness.
Two values of life your parents have given you?
Hard work and never to quit mindset.
My life my responsibility attitude.
Two compliments for your life partner?
She is very caring and compassionate.
Beauty with Brain. For me She is Beautiful and intellectual friend.
Two memorable moments of your life?
Moment I took my daughter in my hands just after her birth.
Inaugural ceremony of our Shri Ganesh Vinayak eye Hospital.
Two things you practice to keep fit?
Healthy lifestyle.
Two aspects of nature that magnetize you?
Be natural and original Being natural and original is the best fashion which can never be outdated.
Daily spent sometime in nature as nature automatically absorb negative energy from your aura and magnetise your biofield .
Two goals you optate to achieve in life?
Positive health city unique healthcare system based on integration of our Vedic sciences and modern medical sciences.
Life varsity a unique university where we will learn for life, the education beyond routine school college education.