I believe every person that we meet in our lives have something unique about them
Diparati Chakrabortty
Our readers would like to know about your academic achievements in various streams of education?
I am a physics graduate from Calcutta University post which I did my MBA with Human Resource as my specialization . I also have a few certifications in the Spanish language.
How was your journey from your initial education to being a corporate professional?
I have always had a creative bent of mind and ideally wanted to get into a creative field.. however at that point of time I was a little clueless about how to go about it so went ahead with a corporate career. Though it wasn’t my dream field but every experience teaches you to learn and grow and I was doing well in my corporate career.. became a part of the senior management, etc. It worked for me for 15 yrs when I decided I have had enough of it and switched into teaching Management in a B school.
Why did you choose to be a painter along with your corporate career?
As someone who has always been creative, my heart was not into my corporate job..I had always been sketching and painting since I was a kid..but it was only a few years back when I promised myself to embrace my passion for art and started painting seriously. Infact I opened my FB account solely for the purpose of showcasing my artworks! And I realised my works had takers.. people showed interest in my works and that’s how I started getting a few commissioned works. Delving into art gave me a sense of peace and stability.
What are the must have qualities of a successful painter?
A strong visualisation power helps.. cultivating the “inner eye” to extract creative inputs from anything…poetry, books, everyday things…anything can be turned into art..and ofcourse focus, passion, practice are qualities one must have to be good at anything..not just art.
Who was your inspiration to motivate you in the creative field of painting?
No one or nothing in particular…it just happened..I was unhappy in my job and started painting seriously when I realized my art was being appreciated..that gave me the impetus to take the plunge.
What were the challenges for you to prove your creativity?
I never saw it as a challenge really.. because a work of art ..be it a painting or a piece of music or cinema has to flow organically from the artist..it doesn’t come from the space of “proving one’s creativity “..the challenge comes when it comes to marketing your work or creating a certain uniqueness in the crowd of many fascinating artworks.
Which is your favourite medium?
Soft pastels, acrylic, charcoal or graphite? Which colour attracts you the most?
I started with soft pastels and I loved the finished work.. charcoal, graphite and acrylic are my favourites as well…each medium has a different beauty and lends a certain uniqueness to the work ..
Currently scribble art with pens is something I am fascinated with.
My favourite colour? Difficult to say..I love colours! And my preference changes with my mood..I have my red moods and purple moods and green moods and so on
Which is your favourite theme for painting ?
Don’t know if I can call it my favourite but I have noticed that unconsciously there are certain things that are like leitmotifs in my paintings..like a flute..a woman in a trance , etc.
HBL Art is promoting your creativity in their global platforms.What are your expectations and compliments for them?
HBL has given me a platform to showcase my artworks to a wider worldwide audience..and it feels great to see your work receiving compliments from people of various walks of life
Why did you choose to be a Spanish teacher also in your professional journey?
Well, learning new languages is another area of interest.. I had also learnt French and wanted to continue with higher learning.. however at that point of time, couldn’t continue.
Much later thought would learn Spanish because I love the sound of it and also having been born in a Spanish speaking country ( Venezuela) wanted to know the language. And then I just fell in love with it. Besides teaching is also my passion so I also became a Spanish teacher along the way.
Which was the biggest exibition you feel proud to be a part of it?
Every exhibition feels special and am proud of having been a part of every exhibition that showcased my work. The famous art galleries of Kolkata like Birla Art Gallery and ofcourse the much respected Academy of The Fine Arts feel special. Also, am proud that my works have been a part of an exhibition at Charubashona where one of the great artists of our times Sri Jogen Chowdhury was also involved as a mentor.
Who inspired you the most in life?
There is no one person…various people at different junctures of my life..be it my parents, teachers, friends, someone I met in the passing.. have inspired me in different ways. I believe every person that we meet in our lives have something unique about them..some story that is inspirational. Not just people..books, films, art all inspire me.. anything from the Mahabharata to Neruda to Rumi’s couplets..
You are always fit and energetic. What is the secret behind your fitness?
Eating sensibly and exercising. And my genes.