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Consistency is what transforms average into excellence. Motivation gets you started and Consistency keeps you going. Goals in life can never be achieved without discipline and consistency. Consistency leads you to excellence in life, whatever you do just be consistent and not seasonal.
I was just thinking about how important consistency is, not just in our work lives but in our personal ones too. After all, Rome was not built in a day, and it certainly wasn’t built on motivation alone. We all have those days when we don’t feel like doing anything. Maybe we had a tough day at work, or we’re just feeling lazy. Whatever the reason, it’s so easy to let our motivation slip on these days. But if we’re consistent, even on the days when we don’t feel like it, we’ll still get things done. And usually, once we’ve started, it’s not as bad as we thought it would be.
Just think about setting New Year Resolutions or may be starting a new diet or working out. In the beginning, you’re motivated and excited to make a change. But eventually, that motivation begins to fade, and it becomes harder and harder to stick with your goals. Motivation is great for getting started, but it’s important to remember that it won’t last forever. Relying on motivation to get through your day can be a roller coaster ride, with many highs and lows. On the other hand, consistency is a steadier force that will help you stay on track even when you don’t feel like it.
“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” – Dwanye Johnson
It is often forgotten that motivation is a fleeting feeling. It comes and goes, and it’s not always easy to rely on. On the other hand, consistency is a habit that we can cultivate over time. We can depend on it, even when we’re not feeling motivated. This is important because consistency will help us achieve our goals in the long run. Anyone who has ever tried to achieve a demanding goal knows that consistency is critical. Whether it’s working out, eating healthy, or studying for an exam, there is no substitute for consistency when it comes to reaching your goals. The reason is simple: consistency leads to momentum. The more consistently you do something, the easier it becomes, and the more momentum you build up. Eventually, what was once a struggle becomes a habit, and habits are hard to break. That’s why consistency is so important- it is the key to make lasting change. So if you’re looking to achieve a goal, remember to be consistent (no matter what), and eventually, you’ll reach your destination.
There are a few things we can do to be more consistent in our actions:
Set achievable goals: Our goals must be realistic; otherwise, we’re setting ourselves up for failure. We’re more likely to give up when we set unrealistic goals because we can’t seem to achieve them.
Find an accountable partner: Having someone to hold us accountable can be a great way to stay on track. When we know someone depends on us, we’re more likely to follow through. This can be as simple as a study buddy or workout partner.
Start step by step: Trying to do too much at once can be overwhelming, and it’s often one of the reasons why people give up. We’re more likely to stick with it when we start small because it’s not as daunting. We can always increase our goals over time, but it’s essential to start small, so we don’t get discouraged.
Fix a schedule: Having a set schedule can help us be more consistent because it gives us structure. When we know when we need to do something, it’s easier to follow through.
Develop it as habit: One of the best ways to be more consistent is to turn our goal into a habit. Once something becomes a habit, we don’t even have to think about it- it’s just something we do.
Search a role model: It’s helpful to have someone we can look up to who is consistent in their actions. This can help us stay motivated and on track when we’re feeling down.
Set up a routine: Don’t underestimate the power of a routine! A routine helps us be more consistent because it becomes second nature. We know what we need to do and when, so there’s less room for error.
Fix a deadline: When we have a deadline to meet, we’re more likely to be consistent in our actions. We don’t want to let ourselves down, and we want to finish the task at hand.
There are a few benefits to being a consistent person:
You’ll achieve more goals: When we’re consistent in our actions, we’re more likely to achieve our goals. This is because we’re putting in the effort on a daily basis, and we’re not giving up halfway through.
You’ll be more productive: Consistent people are more productive because they’re not wasting time on things that don’t matter. They know what they need to do and get it done without procrastinating.
You’ll be more reliable: People respect consistency because it’s a sign of reliability. When we’re consistent in our actions, people know they can count on us to do what we say we will do.
You’ll develop better habits: When we’re consistent, we’re more likely to develop good habits. We’re doing the same thing repeatedly until it becomes a part of who we are.
You’ll be more happier: Studies have shown that people who are consistent in their actions are generally happier than those who are not. This is because they’re living a life that aligns with their values and they’re not constantly starting and stopping new things.
“Small Actions, Repeated Consistently creates Remarkable Results”
Consistency creates Trust. It doesn’t matter how small the gesture is. If you’re consistent with it, it’ll show your commitment and trust will grow. After all, the bottom line is your daily habits hold the potential to change your life.