Squadron Leader
Dipti Kala
High Ticket Coach
TEDx Speaker
India’s first certified Dream Coach
Self discipline and SSB Mentor
Motivational Speaker
New Delhi
You are highly educated and have number of educational degrees, our readers would like to know about your academic achievements?
I was an average student till class 10 and there on when I realised that I won’t be able to join the military with lower grades, I decided to study hard. There on I have B. Tech (computer science), Post Graduate in Aeronautical engineering.
Why Dipti kala wanted to become a Squadron Leader?
My father was in the army and he never wanted me to join the defence services. When my relatives wanted to wear his uniform to get a photo done, I decided that I will not wear his uniform for the photo. I will wear one of my own.
What was the reaction of your family when you decided to join the Defence Services?
My father being from the Army knew the hardships involved in a soldier’s life. Hence they never wanted me to join the defence forces until the day I cleared my SSB in my first attempt.
What is the significance of struggle period in your life from being a student to a successful professional?
I strongly believe that I would not have become what I am, had it not been my struggles. The more society wanted me to accept the normal, the stronger I became to convert my dreams into reality. Struggles are such a beautiful thing to happen to someone, so that tomorrow when you achieve success, you can inspire millions with your story.
What were the challenges and achievements during your service in IAF?
The challenges, which actually make you worth a soldier start right from training. Sleepless nights, with equal amount of physical and intellectual training. Then learning your systems, leading your team. Building your rapport. Right from a young age of 21, we start taking responsibilities of the nation.
What are your social work plans as an India’s first certified dream coach?
As a dream coach, I help and inspire other coaches to achieve success in their niche. Success comes to those who understand and implement the principals of it. Hence as a social cause I want to inspire and guide students to achieve their dreams despite of the hardships.
How do you define self discipline in present scenario of fast paced life?
Do what you need to do even if you don’t feel like doing it.
How women can achieve success in various fields to recognize their ability, mainly when they do not get support from the family?
It is one of the hard things when a woman doesn’t get support from family. Our set of responsibilities doesn’t change with our designation or the amount we earn. Hence, I would sincerely guide such women to understand the value of their time and delegate their work which is not worth their time to external agencies. If this is not possible, take your hard stand in the family and take out time for your dreams. Only you can push yourself for your dreams, no one else can.
Successful professionals have to face criticism also, what is your experience? How do you accept the same?
Yes, indeed. Humans have evolved with survival mindset and lot of negativity. I also get lot of it. However, being a coach and a soldier, I give them their due. So, u don’t pay much attention to this side.
You are a sports person also, what are your achievements in the field of sports?
I am a national Level cricket player. I have around 40 medals in various sports and athletics. I have received the best all rounder trophy in sports from IAF academy.
Who motivated you to become a motivational speaker?
Tony Robbins.
In your profesional career, who supported you the most men or women?
Women, my mother.
What are your expectations from a life partner? How much support did you get in your success?
I have little expectations from people. If someone supports, I am happy, if someone doesn’t, I remain happy. My husband has been my best critic. He guides me on all my endeavours and becomes my torch light. He pushes me to achieve what I set out to achieve.
Mostly, professionals are swiftly changing jobs for more money. How do you see money as source for satisfaction and happiness in life?
I strongly believe that money can’t buy everything however it can buy many things. We must understand the context of this question. Changing job frequently only for money puts a question mark on someone’s integrity and loyalty.
However these days corporates also are not that loyal. In covid we have seen the number of people laid off. Focus on money with a strong hold on your values and personal fulfilment principles.
You are always fit and energetic, What is the reason behind your fitness?
The day I cleared my SSB medical without any temporary rejection when all other girls got TR, I realised the importance of being fit. Since then I have tried and gained whatever knowledge possible in fitness and have been disciplined about food and exercise. I have full faith in health is wealth proverb. I swear by it.
What is your message for today’s hi-tech youth?