Nobody has the time to stop and reflect upon what their inner calling is.
Dr.Mrs Parampreet Bawa
Wellness Coach
Our readers would like to know about your educational background, qualifications and consequent achievements.
I did MBBS from Govt. Medical College, Amritsar and then post graduation in Radiodiagnosis from Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla. I am in govt job and presently posted at Chandigarh. Presently, I am also executive committee member of Indian Medical Association- Chandigarh Chapter
What were the reasons you chose Radiodiagnosis for your professional career ?
Everything today is becoming technology based, including medical science. I love to move ahead with times, so I chose Radiodiagnosis instead of all other clinical branches. Besides, it is a white collar job with flexibility to choose your working hours.
We see in our society most of the people ignore their mental health , what is your experience during your practice ?
We are never taught about our mental health, neither at school nor at home. Everything is focussed on academic scores. So mental health gets ignored by most of the people, including the medical practitioners. Outer achievements are being preferred, totally ignoring what is happening on the inside. People with mental health issues are reluctant to come forward and ask for help, mainly because of the taboo associated.
Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness, but also the presence of positive and healthy mind.
What are the common symptoms of mental health issues to be diagnosed ?
A generalised and persistent feeling of unhappiness and unfulfillment.
Always worrying about future or analysing the past.
Not able to feel calm and relaxed.
Not having sound sleep.
Changes in appetite or weight – it can be loss of appetite or overeating.
Chronic fatigue.
Frequent outbursts of anger and frustration.
Social withdrawl – avoiding family and friends.
Sadly, all these symptoms are accepted as normal in the present fast paced life.
In the present scenario of modern lifestyle all age groups are suffering from depression and anxiety. What are the basic reasons for this ?
The basic reason is that we have been feeding and nourishing anything and everything except our own soul. An endless race is going on to achieve and show-off. Material objects, positions, job profiles have become the basis for getting acceptance and respect in the society. Nobody has the time to stop and reflect upon what their inner calling is. When we do not nourish our inner self, we will have anxiety and depression.
Childhood trauma is also a contributing factor. If a person has subconsciously felt unloved in childhood, such person is more likely to be emotionally imbalanced and more prone to anxiety and depression.
Loneliness, lack of family and social support, substance abuse also contribute.
How you turned towards spirituality and reading spiritual books?
I had achieved everything to label myself as a successful person. But I still used to feel a vaccum inside. I had lots of fears and insecurities. To overcome my fears and to become a better human being, I decided to find out the cause for this mental clutter. I wanted to learn how to navigate life’s challenges and cultivate inner peace and fulfillment. I wished to have a sense of purpose and meaning in life and to understand my place in the world. Experiencing love, compassion and forgiveness was possible only through the spiritual path. That’s how I turned towards spirituality.
What is the role of spirituality in your life, what are your ambitions ?
Spirituality has definitely made me a better human being. It has taught me that in order to achieve more, you need to give more, especially in relationships. It has taught me to let go of attachments, practice acceptance and surrender and to find joy and meaning in the present moment. I still get angry and agitated at times, but am able to come back to my inner core of calmness much faster.My ambition has now shifted from achieving more to giving more. I have become much more kind and compassionate towards patients. I love to teach the post graduate students in my department. I want to be in a state of flow, without chasing any end goals.
Your reels on social media are very inspirational. What are your emotions when you get positive response of your talks ?
I get all my return while making the reel itself. I am utilizing my free time productively and doing my bit in my own small way. That much is enough for my emotional abundance. Having said that, getting positive response is like an added bonus. It inspires me all the more to see that I am of being some help to the humanity. Receiving positive feedback affirms that I am on the right track.
In our society mostly women ignore their mental and physical health, what is your message for them ?
My message to women is – Giving priority to your own physical and mental health is not selfishness.
Women are conditioned to believe that they need to sacrifice their own selves for everyone around, in order to fit into the category of a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother. Ignoring your mental health can lead to burnout, anxiety and depression. Please know that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. The best way to keep your family happy is to be happy yourself. So learn to prioritize your own well being.
Who inspired you the most in your life ?
Everyone who is doing selfless work inspires me. One has to be very positive from inside in order to be kind and compassionate to others. Such people make the world a better place to live. Secondly, everyone who is doing his or her work passionately inspires me, be it a C.E.O. of a company or a ward servant in a hospital. Doing your work with passion is the best form of meditation. And yes, I love to watch talk shows of Oprah Winfrey. I find her energy and her boldness really inspiring.
Which is your favourite quote ?
“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey.