Shikha Mendiratta
Shikha Mendiratta , lecturer in English (Department of School Education, Rajasthan) is an avid teacher, researcher and poet. She has contributed to several national and international e-zines and anthologies. While not writing, she loves to sing. Her poems deal with human psyche and malice prevailing in society.
Most of these pigmy goddesses have buried their own dream to plant the seed of their family’s happiness
Family is the basic unit of every society. It needs utmost attention and care. That all is primarily done by housewives. These days, they are also called ‘Home-makers’.The word home-maker is associated with daily house hold chores like doing laundry, sweeping, cooking, cleaning, etc.
Most of these pigmy goddesses have buried their own dreams to plant the seed of their family’s happiness. This fact is often overlooked. As a girl, during school and college days, they might have accumulated badges of the best dancer, painter, player and lot more. They might have been bestowed with the title of ‘The Head Girl’ or even ‘The Best Alumini’. But the relished memories go hazy with the passage of time. Their childhood dreams of securing a distinguish place is lost somewhere in the smeared dishes of kitchen, projects and worksheets of kids. The miserable unfulfillment leads to stress, anxiety and frustration.”I too want my identity “this cry can be heard in several homes. A happy home can never be imagined without a happy home engineer.
The sun of technology dawned brightly at the early years of twenty first century. And especially the last two decades have witnessed tremendous triumphant moments in Indian home maker’s life. They are not only stepping out for jobs but also getting princely sum while sitting at home. They are profoundly found selling home-made pickles, paintings and festoons on social sites and other platforms. They are teaching Hindi to the students at the other end of globe through online classes. Writing e-content, dancing, acting, singing, or culinary classes are very common these days. Some have established theme restaurant while some are on big screen, participating fervently in dancing shows. There is a surprising flood of them.
Living the virtuality is all possible. We are going to witness an era of techno brilliance going hand in hand with wish fulfillment.